Localization checklist for proofreaders and reviewers

Chapter 6 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.

Localization checklist for proofreaders and reviewers
Photo by Anne Nygård / Unsplash

Quality in localization is often subjective, as it depends on the client's needs and expectations and even on the team members' points of view. While this can be true, certain aspects are widely accepted as universal. Below, we'll look at some quality requirements that should be respected to deliver state-of-the-art work that aligns with industry standards.

You might find this interesting if you are:

  • an editor, proofreader, project manager or translator who wants to learn more about quality assurance processes in translation;
  • a vendor or client assessing the output quality of a localization assignment.

Spelling and grammar errors

As obvious as it may sound, delivering error-free copy is the foundation of professional translation. While the occasional typo can slip through, repeated mistakes can detract from the brand's credibility, confuse the reader and even undermine overall readability.

Spotting several errors could mean the localization team didn't correctly follow the TEP process (Translation, Editing, Proofreading). Automated spell-checking features, integrated into most CAT tools, are essential for efficiently eliminating as many errors as possible.

Interface constraints

The context, presentation and layout of the text can influence the translation process. When localizing software and user interfaces, length constraints often apply due to limited screen space and the varying word lengths in different languages.

If the content is not adapted to fit the available space, strings may appear truncated or incorrectly displayed. These issues often arise when translators can't access the source text in context while translating.

Clients and project managers can address this issue by providing localizers with the necessary reference materials beforehand. Additionally, CAT tools can define maximum character counts and acceptable expansion percentages from source to target text, as specified by the client.


When both user interface (UI) and user assistance (UA) documentation are among the deliverables, the UI should be translated first, as it comes with the constraints and limitations discussed above. When UA documentation is translated, it should strictly follow the localized terms selected for the UI.

Ensuring consistency across localized products can be challenging without proper coordination and communication. Creating glossaries and termbases before or during translation is advised if the client has not provided them in advance. Quality control software like Xbench can also help check UI/UA terminology consistency.


A lack of coherence in stylistic and typographic elements could indicate that the localization team did not follow the client's guidelines properly. Below is an outline of aspects that can be included as part of a style guide:

  • Introduction: purpose of the translation, target audiences (e.g. consumer vs enterprise products), general and language-specific instructions, glossaries
  • Style and tone: writing style, character length limits, capitalization, quotation marks, acronyms, abbreviations, gender, tense, pronouns, formatting, references
  • Localization-specific instructions: word usage, key terms, product names, proper nouns, job titles, cultural check on artwork and illustrations
  • Documentation: headings, cross-references, related content
  • Software: path names, strings, variables, error messages, placeholders
  • Legal documents: copyright, legal validation
  • Appendices: queries, file naming conventions, list of deliverables, tables and charts


Terminology is often considered part of a localization project's style requirements. Ideally, terminology resources should be finalized before localization begins to ensure consistency. Once ready, these resources can be shared within the same translation group and across departments, allowing all teams to use approved and harmonized terminology during content creation and localization.

Inconsistent terminology can make it difficult for users to navigate content. In marketing copy, inconsistencies in branded terms—such as using no-no words and competitor terminology—can dilute the client's brand identity and impact the commercial strategy in target regions. When it comes to technical-scientific documentation, errors and inaccuracies could lead to safety and legal issues in the worst-case scenario.

Want to delve deeper into the topic? You can check out my previous post on terminology management or my portfolio project in which I helped food safety experts communicate across languages.
Making the case for terminology management
Chapter 3 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.
Helping food safety experts communicate across languages
An Italian foodservice company needed to translate a set of 7 food safety regulations for their corporate partners in the UK. Here’s how I helped them achieve their goal.

Let’s talk words

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