Helping food safety experts communicate across languages An Italian foodservice company needed to translate a set of 7 food safety regulations for their corporate partners in the UK. Here's how I helped them achieve their goal.
Supporting an MVP launch with content I was challenged to design a set of content guidelines to support the launch of a fictional digital product of my choice. Here's how I went about it.
Optimizing a localized website with usability testing I conducted a usability test on foodspring, an international sports nutrition brand. In particular, I involved 3 users to test the desktop version of their localized Italian website. Here’s the process I adopted and what I found.
Delivering bad news with better microcopy I wrote microcopy to deliver bad news to app users. The two scenarios I worked on were a canceled flight and a late delivery. Here's how I created and then improved the copy.
Smart products for smart consumers Chapter 7 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.
Localization checklist for proofreaders and reviewers Chapter 6 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.
Integrating localization services into project management Chapter 5 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.
Project management for content strategists Chapter 4 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.
Making the case for terminology management Chapter 3 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.
Technical communication 101 Chapter 2 of The Essentials: foundational knowledge for those starting out in localization and technical communication.